Friday, February 12, 2010

One thing "hardcore" and "casual" have in common

And that is a level of what we are willing to do to progress. It just so happens hardcore players' thresholds are much, much higher.

I saw that one of the world wide top guilds, Last Resort, has decided to call it quits. From what I can tell one of the reasons is they don't want to level up alts and practice content in 10 mans (because of limited attempts on raid bosses one way to get more attempts is to have another character to run it through with).

When I first heard that some (all?) Ensidia (arguably the top guild in the world) players had 2 of the same class so they could get extra practice in, I thought to myself "Now *that* really highlights what sets them apart from everyone else". This was a while back that I heard of this, apparently since then more guilds are doing the same - which I imagine you have to if you want to stay competitive.

So it's not surprising to see someone who is different playstyle from me in just about everyway say something I would say. "Okay this right here? This right here?!?!".

Monday, February 8, 2010

Stay the same or improve?

I've found since I've quit raiding I don't have much desire to hope to be the best, let alone try.

I read somewhere that professional athletes quit participating in their sport once they retire because just like us they didn't particularly like working out and practicing but they knew they had to do it to be the best.

Sometimes I think about getting a tier piece of this or that and what all I need to go through to acquire it, then I say to myself "Good thing I'm not raiding, who the heck cares?!?!".

So if you're like me, stop reading now. The things I'm about to list will be of no interest to you.

If you want to improve how you play here are some suggestions from the official forums:

*Coordination and Teamwork, don't group with "idiots"
*Dedication, play seriously, persistence
*Be born with the gift (?)
*Good hardware, computer and connection
*Situational awareness

Whew, that's a lot of stuff!

Good thing I'm not raiding, I can continue to be my mediocre self.

Monday, February 1, 2010

My Near Perfect WoW Experience

As I was enjoying running through a low level instance via LFD I thought about what if my whole WoW gaming experience only included the fun times?

My leveling experience would be like my very first time.

I wouldn't raid on a schedule.

If I did raid it would consist of learn it, kill it, move on. Not farm it, farm it, farm it.

I would play to spend gold, not play to make gold.

I would LFD with people who enjoy it.

As a healer I would include dual specs.

I would level a druid and paladin but only in their post-bc and wrath forms.

I would level JC/mining and not enchanting.

How about you?

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"I don't *need* to play. I can quit anytime I want!"

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